Our aims and standardsCan be put in simple words – to preserv, to support to love and work with this majestic breed, because the world would be a poorer place without them. To share our knowledge and experience of the care of the Komondor, to help with prectical advice, like the care of the coat. Some people may get put off, (but wrongly so) by the look of such unusual looking, and such amount of hair. When in reality the care of the coat is easier than in the case of most of the long, or short hair dogs. The Komondor does not moult, and most not be brushed. The Komondor’s coat is always white, has an unusual felted, corded volume giving it an impressive appearance. The cords are formed from young onward, with some help from the owner to stert off the formation of the cords, and later maintainig it by spending couple of hours once every 4-5 month to help the development of the choice of thiner string like or heavier ribbon like coat. Of course a Komondor kept in a clean environment helps, and he deserus it, and will award you with his beautiful site. In our Kennel we only keep a small number of dogs 2 male and 3 bitches. For us the Komondors are our turstworthy, lovinvg companious and the guardians of our lives and property. We also belive int o help to preserve the breed, so time to time with careful selective breeding we produce puppys. During the past 15 years we only produced 6 litters, 29 pupps in all and of good quality. From our 6th litter the ’F’ litter we kept Fanny and Ferkó, who today are show winners, and are of considerable beauty and hare wonderful temperaments. We are proud of the fact that there are many happy owners of „our” pupps in France in Belgium, Holland in Canada and Russia. |